1. Install Microsoft Virtual PC 2007:
2. Launch Device Emulator Manager.
3. Choose one of the emulators, for example, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, and start it by clicking on “Connect” item in the popup menu (Picture 1).
4. Setup the emulator configuration: File->Configuration (Picture 2) and here choose the Network Tab (Picture 3).
5. Check the first checkbox “Enable NE2000 PCMCIA network adapter and bind to:”. The combo box shows “Connected network card” (Picture 4). Press “Ok”.
6. Open the device settings through Start menu->Settings in the emulator (Picture 5).
7. Choose Tab “Connections” and launch Connections (Picture 6). Here choose the “Advanced” Tab.
8. “Select Network” button (Picture 7) shows Network Management settings (Picture 8).
9. In the first combo box choose “My Work Network” (Picture 9). Then press “Ok” till you’ll get back to the main device screen.
10. For Windows Vista in the Windows Mobile Center you need to find the Mobile Device Settings – if you already set a partnership with a mobile device, you can click on its item when the device is disconnected. In this stage you will see the Windows Mobile Center Home page with one item in the middle “Mobile Device Settings” (Picture 10). Under this item you can find “Connection Settings” (Picture 11).
11. In this dialog you need to choose “DMA” in the first combo box (Picture 12).
12. If you have Windows XP and ActiveSync, the same settings dialog you can find in the menu of the ActiveSync.
13. Now in Device Emulator Manager, select the running emulator, right mouse click calls the popup menu where you need to choose “Cradle” item (Picture 13).
14. Windows Mobile Center (or ActiveSync) will react automatically and you’ll need to setup the partnership with the running emulator.
15. Now you can launch Internet Explorer on your emulator (Picture 14).
16. To save an emulator's state, in the emulator's window, click File->Save State and Exit.
You can find more information about the emulators in MSDN:
“Step by Step: Using Microsoft Device Emulator In-Depth in Your Application Development Experience” http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb278114.aspx
Picture 1.
Picture 2.
Picture 3.
Picture 4.
Picture 5.
Picture 6.
Picture 7.
Picture 8.
Picture 9.
Picture 10.
Picture 11.
Picture 12.
Picture 13.
Picture 14.
Picture 15.
In EE:http://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/Programming/Handhelds_-_PDAs/Windows_Mobile/Windows-Mobile-Emulator-and-Internet-Connectivity.html?cid=214
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